Two Nations, One Baby Daddy

Genesis 15:5-16 & 16:1-16

The Lord promised Abraham that he would have as many descendants as there were stars in the sky. Pero like, Abraham’s wife, Sarah, couldn’t have babies. So Sarah was like, “Here. Take my slave girl as your wife and she will give you babies. It’s fine. Trust me. I’m cool with it.”

Spoiler alert! Sarah was NOT cool with it. She basically went all Mushu from Mulan on everyone. “Dishonor on you. Dishonor on your cow!” That sort of thing. 

Sarah was so mean to Hagar (ex-slave, Abraham’s baby mama) that Hagar fled to the wilderness. Literally God found her there in the wilderness and she told him what had happened. Then he blessed Hagar’s baby and said SHE would have a multitude of descendants. 

So basically ladies, don’t tell him you’re willing to be in an “open relationship” unless you really mean it!


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