
In case you need something to help you forget that you have to go to work/school tomorrow.

Genesis 29:15-30

Well, well, well.  Jacob, king of the old switcheroo, finally gets a taste of his own medicine.  This dude meets the love of his life, Rachel, and vows to serve her father for seven years to claim her hand in marriage.  He does it and it seems like only days because he loves her so much, blah blah blah.  So the seven years are up and he goes to Laban, Rachel’s father, and asks for his wife.  There’s a big feast, Jacob takes his new wife to bed, and the next morning he wakes up to find, NOT RACHEL, but her older sister Leah!  😱

Jacob freaks out on Laban, “Dude, you know I worked all those years for Rachel, what have you done?  And Laban is like, “Yeah, I know buuuuuut it would be super awkward to let my youngest daughter get married before my oldest daughter.  So yeah, I had to do it.  But hey!  Let Leah be your main squeeze for like a week and I’ll give you this one (that’s a direct quote, not Rachel, “this one”) as well…oh and you’ll need to serve me for another seven years.”

So Jacob agrees to this nonsense and marries Rachel a week later. And as a surprise to no one, he loves her more than Leah. Friends, there is no way this goes well for Jacob. BRB while he works for seven more years.
